Customer loyalty

Generation Z Shoppers

Generation Z Shoppers: Understanding and Addressing Their Expectations for Sustainable Loyalty

Generation Z, colloquially known as Gen Z, is a cohort born between the late 1990s and early 2010s. They are an influential group of consumers who are shaping the future of commerce with their unique traits and preferences. The focus…

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Relationship marketing : a key to satisfy your customers

Whatever the field of activity of a business or company, it is necessary to stand out from competitors in order to achieve satisfactory results. To do this, a customer relationship management strategy must be put in place within the company…

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How to better monitor your in-shop accounts ?

Whatever type of shop you run, one of your main objectives is to generate revenue. It is the backbone of your business and will allow you to sustain your activity, pay your employees, invest in your business… To be able…

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Corporate gifts : what to choose ?

In order to win the hearts of your partners and to thank your loyal customers, corporate gifts are a must nowadays. But if you are giving gifts, you should know that the competition is also doing the same. It is…

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Business telephony : find a specialist company online

Good communication is the backbone of a company because it preserves the links between partners, customers and the staff. It plays an integral role in increasing productivity and success. Nowadays, different providers offer a variety of telephony solutions for any…

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How to outsource customer service?

Customer service outsourcing is a method that has been increasingly adopted by different companies in recent years. But where some succeed, others have failed. Why ? Simply because to reap the benefits of outsourcing, you need to do it the…

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